Game of Go – Connections

↑ This is a nobi, iron pillar, stretch or solid two-stone connection.

↑ This is a bou-tsugi, pintsugi or solid three-stone connection.

↑ This is a kosumi or diagonal connection.

↑ This is a bamboo joint connection.

↑ This is a strong connection.

↑ This is a table connection.

↑ This is a parabola connection.

↑ This is an ikken tobi or one-point jump connection.

↑ This is a nikken tobi or two-point jump connection.

↑ This is a keima or knight's move connection.

↑ This is a ogeima or large knight's move connection.

↑ This is a hazama tobi or diagonal jump connection.

↑ This is a big bulge connection.

↑ This is a tiger's mouth connection.

↑ This is a lion's mouth or trumpet or honeycomb connection.

↑ This is a saki bottle or dog's head connection.

↑ This is a horse's head connection.

↑ This is a giraffe's face connection.

↑ This is a plate connection (I think).



Compiled, developed and maintained by Philip Smith